
The filter_grep filter plugin "greps" events by the values of specified fields.

It is included in the Fluentd's core.

Example Configurations

  @type grep

    key message
    pattern /cool/

    key hostname
    pattern /^web\d+\.example\.com$/

    key message
    pattern /uncool/

The above example matches any event that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The value of the message field contains cool.

  2. The value of the hostname field matches web<INTEGER>

  3. The value of the message field does NOT contain uncool.

Hence, the following events are kept:

{"message":"It's cool outside today", "hostname":""}
{"message":"That's not cool", "hostname":""}

whereas the following examples are filtered out:

{"message":"I am cool but you are uncool", "hostname":""}
{"message":"It's cool outside today"}

Plugin Helpers


Common Parameters

<and> Directive

Specifies the filtering rule. This directive contains either <regexp> or <exclude> directive. This directive has been added since 1.2.0.

    key price
    pattern /[1-9]\d*/

    key item_name
    pattern /^book_/

This is same as below:

  key price
  pattern /[1-9]\d*/

  key item_name
  pattern /^book_/

We can also use <and> directive with <exclude> directive:

    key container_name
    pattern /^app\d{2}/

    key log_level
    pattern /^(?:debug|trace)$/

<or> Directive

Specifies the filtering rule. This directive contains either <regexp> or <exclude> directive. This directive has been added since 1.2.0.

    key status_code
    pattern /^5\d\d$/

    key url
    pattern /\.css$/

This is same as below:

  key status_code
  pattern /^5\d\d$/

  key url
  pattern /\.css$/

We can also use <or> directive with <regexp> directive:

    key container_name
    pattern /^db\d{2}/

    key log_level
    pattern /^(?:warn|error)$/

<regexp> Directive

Specifies the filtering rule. This directive contains two parameters:

  • key

  • pattern


The field name to which the regular expression is applied.

This parameter supports nested field access via record_accessor syntax.


The regular expression.

The pattern parameter is string type before 1.2.0.

For example, the following filters out events unless the field price is a positive integer.

  key price
  pattern /[1-9]\d*/

The grep filter filters out UNLESS all <regexp>s are matched. Hence, if you have:

  key price
  pattern /[1-9]\d*/

  key item_name
  pattern /^book_/

unless the event's item_name field starts with book_ and the price field is an integer, it is filtered out.

For OR condition, you can use | operator of regular expressions. For example, if you have:

  key item_name
  pattern /(^book_|^article)/

unless the event's item_name field starts with book* or article*, it is filtered out.

Note that if you want to use a match pattern with a leading slash (a typical case is a file path), you need to escape the leading slash. Otherwise, the pattern will not be recognized as expected.

Here is a simple example:

  key filepath
  pattern \/spool/

You can also write the pattern like this:

  key filepath
  pattern /\/spool\//

Learn regular expressions for more patterns.


This is a deprecated parameter. Use <regexp> instead.

The N at the end should be replaced with an integer between 1 and 20 (e.g. regexp1). regexpN takes two whitespace-delimited arguments.

Here is regexpN version of <regexp> example:

regexp1 price [1-9]\d*
regexp2 item_name ^book_

<exclude> Directive

Specifies the filtering rule to reject events. This directive contains two parameters:

  • key

  • pattern


The field name to which the regular expression is applied.

This parameter supports nested field access via record_accessor syntax.


The regular expression.

The pattern parameter is string type before 1.2.0.

For example, the following filters out events whose status_code field is 5xx:

  key status_code
  pattern /^5\d\d$/

The grep filter filters out if any <exclude> is matched. Hence, if you have:

  key status_code
  pattern /^5\d\d$/

  key url
  pattern /\.css$/

Then, any event with status_code of 5xx OR url ending with .css is filtered out.


This is a deprecated parameter. Use <exclude> instead.

The N at the end should be replaced with an integer between 1 and 20 (e.g. exclude1). excludeN takes two whitespace-delimited arguments.

Here is excludeN version of <exclude> example:

exclude1 status_code ^5\d\d$
exclude2 url \.css$

If <regexp> and <exclude> are used together, both are applied.

Learn More

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.

Last updated