
The filter_grep filter plugin "greps" events by the values of specified fields.

Example Configurations

filter_grep is included in Fluentd's core. No installation required.

  @type grep
    key message
    pattern cool
    key hostname
    pattern ^web\d+\.example\.com$
    key message
    pattern uncool

The above example matches any event that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The value of the "message" field contains "cool"

  2. The value of the "hostname" field matches


  3. The value of the "message" field does NOT contain "uncool".

Hence, the following events are kept:

{"message":"It's cool outside today", "hostname":""}
{"message":"That's not cool", "hostname":""}

whereas the following examples are filtered out:

{"message":"I am cool but you are uncool", "hostname":""}
{"message":"It's cool outside today"}


<regexp> directive (optional)

Specify filtering rule. This directive contains two parameters. This parameter is available since v0.12.38.

  • key

The field name to which the regular expression is applied.

  • pattern

The regular expression.

For example, the following filters out events unless the field "price" is a positive integer.

  key price
  pattern [1-9]\d*

The grep filter filters out UNLESS all <regexp>s are matched. Hence, if you have

  key price
  pattern [1-9]\d*
  key item_name
  pattern ^book_

unless the event's "item_name" field starts with "book_" and the "price" field is an integer, it is filtered out.

For OR condition, you can use | operator of regular expressions. For example, if you have

  key item_name
  pattern (^book_|^article)

unless the event's "item_name" field starts with "book" or "article", it is filtered out.

Learn regular expressions for more patterns.

regexpN (optional)

This is deprecated parameter. Use <regexp> instead if you use v0.12.38 or later.

The "N" at the end should be replaced with an integer between 1 and 20 (ex: "regexp1"). regexpN takes two whitespace-delimited arguments.

Here is regexpN version of <regexp> example:

regexp1 price [1-9]\d*
regexp2 item_name ^book_

<exclude> directive (optional)

Specify filtering rule to reject events. This directive contains two parameters. This parameter is available since v0.12.38.

  • key

The field name to which the regular expression is applied.

  • pattern

The regular expression.

For example, the following filters out events whose "status_code" field is 5xx.

  key status_code
  pattern ^5\d\d$

The grep filter filters out if any <exclude> is matched. Hence, if you have

  key status_code
  pattern ^5\d\d$
  key url
  pattern \.css$

Then, any event whose "status_code" is 5xx OR "url" ends with ".css" is filtered out.

excludeN (optional)

This is deprecated parameter. Use <exclude> instead if you use v0.12.38 or later.

The "N" at the end should be replaced with an integer between 1 and 20 (ex: "exclude1"). excludeN takes two whitespace-delimited arguments.

Here is excludeN version of <exclude> example:

exclude1 status_code ^5\d\d$
exclude2 url \.css$

If <regexp> and <exclude> are used together, both are applied.

Learn More

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is a open source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.

Last updated

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