
The filter_parser filter plugin "parses" string field in event records and mutates its event record with parsed result.

Example Configurations

filter_parser is included in Fluentd's core since v0.12.29. No installation required. If you want to use filter_parser with lower fluentd versions, need to install fluent-plugin-parser.

filter_parser has just same with in_tail about format and time_format:

  @type parser
  format /^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^ ]*) +\S*)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)$/
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  key_name message

filter_parser uses built-in parser plugins and your own customized parser plugin, so you can re-use pre-defined format like apache, json and etc. See document page for more details: Parser Plugin Overview



This is required parameter. Specify parser format or regexp pattern.


This is required parameter. Specify field name in the record to parse.


Keep original key-value pair in parsed result. Default is false.

  @type parser
  format json
  key_name log
  reserve_data true

With above configuration, result is below:

# input data:  {"key":"value","log":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}"}
# output data: {"key":"value","log":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}","user":1,"num":2}

Without reserve_data, result is below

# input data:  {"key":"value","log":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}"}
# output data: {"user":1,"num":2}


If true, a plugin suppresses pattern not match warning log. Default is false.

This parameter is useful for parsing mixed logs and you want to ignore non target lines.


Ignore "key not exist" log. Default is false.

Useful case is same with suppress_parse_error_log.


If true, invalid string is replaced with safe characters and re-parse it. Default is false.


Store parsed values with specified key name prefix. Default is nil.

  @type parser
  format json
  key_name log
  reserve_data true
  inject_key_prefix data.

With above configuration, result is below:

# input data:  {"log": "{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}"}
# output data: {"log":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}","data.user":1, "data.num":2}


Store parsed values as a hash value in a field. Default is nil.

  @type parser
  format json
  key_name log
  hash_value_field parsed

With above configuration, result is below:

# input data:  {"log": "{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}"}
# output data: {"parsed":{"user":1,"num":2}}


If false, time parsing is disabled in the parser. Default is true.


Emit invalid record to @ERROR label. Default is false. Invalid cases are

  • key not exist

  • format is not matched

  • unexpected error

You can rescue unexpected format logs in @ERROR label.

Learn More

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is a open source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.

Last updated

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