The out_rewrite_tag_filter
Output plugin provides a rule-based mechanism for rewriting tags.
How It Works
The plugin is configured by defining a list of rules containing conditional statements and information on how to rewrite the matching tags.
When a message is handled by the plugin, the rules are tested one by one in order. If a matching rule is found, the message tag will be rewritten according to the definition in the rule and the message will be emitted again with the new tag.
Basic Example
This in an example of how to use this plugin to rewrite tags. In the example, records tagged with app.component
will have their tag prefixed with the value of the key message
Copy <match app.component>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key message
pattern /^\[(\w+)\]/
tag $1.${tag}
Sample data:
Copy +------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------+
| original record | | rewritten tag record |
|------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------|
| app.component {"message":"[info]: ..."} | +----> | {"message":"[info]: ..."} |
| app.component {"message":"[warn]: ..."} | +----> | {"message":"[warn]: ..."} |
| app.component {"message":"[crit]: ..."} | +----> | {"message":"[crit]: ..."} |
| app.component {"message":"[alert]: ..."} | +----> | {"message":"[alert]: ..."} |
+------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------+
Nested kubernetes namespace attributes based rules
This is an example of how to use this plugin to rewrite tags with nested attributes which are kubernetes metadata. In the example, records tagged with kubernetes.information
will have their tag prefixed with the value of the nested key kubernetes.namespace_name
Dot notation
Copy <match kubernetes.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key $.kubernetes.namespace_name
pattern ^(.+)$
tag $1.${tag}
Bracket notation
Copy <match kubernetes.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key $['kubernetes']['namespace_name']
pattern ^(.+)$
tag $1.${tag}
Sample data:
Copy +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| original record | | rewritten tag record |
|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-system" }, ... } | +----> | kube-system.kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-system" }, ... } |
| kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "default" }, ... } | +----> | default.kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "default" }, ... } |
| kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-public" }, ... } | +----> | kube-public.kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-public" }, ... } |
| kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-node-lease" }, ... } | +----> | kube-node-lease.kubernetes.information {"kubernetes" : { "namespace_name": "kube-node-lease" }, ... } |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
is included in td-agent
by default (v3.0.1 or later). Fluentd gem users will have to install the fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
gem using the following command:
Copy $ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
For more details, see Plugin Management .
Configuration Example
By design, the configuration drops some pattern records first and then it re-emits the next matched record as the new tag name. The example configuration shown below gives an example on how the plugin can be used to define a number of rules that examine values from different keys and sets the tag depending on the regular expression configured in each rule.
The tag value is later used to decide whether the log event shall be dropped or not.
Copy <match apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
capitalize_regex_backreference yes
key path
pattern /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|pdf|zip)$/
tag clear
key status
pattern /^200$/
tag clear
invert true
key domain
pattern /^.+\.com$/
tag clear
invert true
key domain
pattern /^maps\.example\.com$/
tag site.ExampleMaps
key domain
pattern /^news\.example\.com$/
tag site.ExampleNews
# it is also supported regexp back reference.
key domain
pattern /^(mail)\.(example)\.com$/
tag site.$2$1
key domain
pattern /.+/
tag site.unmatched
<match clear>
@type null
Please see fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
for further details.
This is obsoleted since 2.0.0. Use <rule>
Capitalizes letter for every matched regex backreference. (e.g. maps -> Maps
Overrides hostname command for placeholder. (The default is the long hostname.)
It works in the order of appearance, regexp matching rule/pattern
for the values of rule/key
from each record, re-emits with rule/tag
The field name to which the regular expression is applied.
The regular expression which is applied on the field value.
The type of pattern is string before 2.1.0.
New tag.
(bool) (optional):
If true
, rewrite tag when unmatch pattern.
The following variable can be used when specifying the name of the rewritten tag:
See more details at tag-placeholder
Use Cases
Aggregate + display 404 status pages by URL and referrer to find and
fix dead links.
Send an IRC alert for 5xx status codes on exceeding thresholds.
Aggregate + display 404 status pages by URL and referrer to find and fix dead links.
Collect access log from multiple application servers (config1
Sum up the 404 error and output to mongoDB (config2
The plugins are required to be installed:
[Config1] Application Servers
Copy # Input access log to fluentd with embedded in_tail plugin
@type tail
path /var/log/httpd/access_log
@type apache2
time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
tag apache.access
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache_access.pos
# Forward to monitoring server
<match apache.access>
@type forward
flush_interval 5s
name server_name
[Config2] Monitoring Server
Copy # built-in TCP input
@type forward
# Filter record like mod_rewrite with fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
<match apache.access>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key status
pattern /^(?!404)$/
tag clear
key path
pattern /.+/
tag mongo.apache.access.error404
# Store deadlinks log into mongoDB
<match mongo.apache.access.error404>
@type mongo
database apache
collection deadlinks
capped_size 50m
# Clear tag
<match clear>
@type null
Send an IRC alert for 5xx status codes on exceeding thresholds.
Collect access log from multiple application servers (config1
Sum up the 500 error and notify IRC and logging details to mongoDB
The plugins are required to be installed:
[Config1] Application Servers
Copy # Input access log to fluentd with embedded in_tail plugin
# sample results: {"host":"","user":null,"method":"GET","path":"/","code":500,"size":5039,"referer":null,"agent":"Mozilla"}
@type tail
path /var/log/httpd/access_log
@type apache2
time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
tag apache.access
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/apache_access.pos
# Forward to monitoring server
<match apache.access>
@type forward
flush_interval 5s
name server_name
[Config2] Monitoring Server
Copy # built-in TCP input
@type forward
# Filter record like mod_rewrite with fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter
<match apache.access>
@type copy
@type rewrite_tag_filter
# drop static image record and redirect as 'count.apache.access'
key path
pattern /^\/(img|css|js|static|assets)\//
tag clear
key path
pattern /.+/
tag count.apache.access
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key code
pattern /^5\d\d$/
tag mongo.apache.access.error5xx
# Store 5xx error log into mongoDB
<match mongo.apache.access.error5xx>
@type mongo
database apache
collection error_5xx
capped_size 50m
# Count by status code
# sample results: {"unmatched_count":0,"unmatched_rate":0.0,"unmatched_percentage":0.0,"200_count":0,"200_rate":0.0,"200_percentage":0.0,"2xx_count":0,"2xx_rate":0.0,"2xx_percentage":0.0,"301_count":0,"301_rate":0.0,"301_percentage":0.0,"302_count":0,"302_rate":0.0,"302_percentage":0.0,"3xx_count":0,"3xx_rate":0.0,"3xx_percentage":0.0,"403_count":0,"403_rate":0.0,"403_percentage":0.0,"404_count":0,"404_rate":0.0,"404_percentage":0.0,"410_count":0,"410_rate":0.0,"410_percentage":0.0,"4xx_count":0,"4xx_rate":0.0,"4xx_percentage":0.0,"5xx_count":1,"5xx_rate":0.01,"5xx_percentage":100.0}
<match count.apache.access>
@type datacounter
unit minute
outcast_unmatched false
aggregate all
tag threshold.apache.access
count_key code
pattern1 200 ^200$
pattern2 2xx ^2\d\d$
pattern3 301 ^301$
pattern4 302 ^302$
pattern5 3xx ^3\d\d$
pattern6 403 ^403$
pattern7 404 ^404$
pattern8 410 ^410$
pattern9 4xx ^4\d\d$
pattern10 5xx ^5\d\d$
# Determine threshold
# sample results: {"pattern":"code_500","target_tag":"apache.access","target_key":"5xx_count","check_type":"numeric_upward","level":"warn","threshold":1.0,"value":1.0,"message_time":"2014-01-28 16:47:39 +0900"}
<match threshold.apache.access>
@type notifier
input_tag_remove_prefix threshold
pattern code_500
check numeric_upward
warn_threshold 10
crit_threshold 40
tag alert.http_5xx_error
target_key_pattern ^5xx_count$
# Generate message
# sample results: {"message":"HTTP Status warn [5xx_count] apache.access: 1.0 (threshold 1.0)"}
<match alert.http_5xx_error>
@type deparser
tag irc.http_5xx_error>
format_key_names level,target_key,target_tag,value,threshold
format HTTP Status %s [%s] %s: %s (threshold %s)
key_name message
reserve_data no
# Send IRC message
<match irc.http_5xx_error>
@type irc
host localhost
port 6667
channel fluentd
nick fluentd
user fluentd
real fluentd
message %s
out_keys message
# Clear tag
<match clear>
@type null
With rewrite-tag-filter
, logs are not forwarded. Why?
If you have the following configuration, it doesn't work:
Copy <match app.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key level
pattern /(.+)/
tag app.$1
<match app.**>
@type forward
# ...
In this case, rewrite_tag_filter
causes an infinite loop because the fluentd's routing is executed from top-to-bottom. So, you need to change the tag like this:
Copy <match app.**>
@type rewrite_tag_filter
key level
pattern /(.+)/
@type forward
# ...
If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know . Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) . All components are available under the Apache 2 License.