RPM Package (Red Hat Linux)

This article explains how to install stable versions of fluent-package rpm packages, the stable Fluentd distribution packages maintained by Fluentd Project.

What is fluent-package?

Fluentd is written in Ruby for flexibility, with performance-sensitive parts in C. However, some users may have difficulty installing and operating a Ruby daemon.

That is why Fluentd Project provides the stable distribution of Fluentd, called fluent-package (formerly known as td-agent). The differences between Fluentd and fluent-package can be found here.

You can also see fluent-package-v5-vs-td-agent for the comparison and supported OS.

How to install fluent-package


Step 0: Before Installation

Please follow the Pre-installation Guide to configure your OS properly.

Step 1: Install from rpm Repository

It is highly recommended to set up ntpd on the node to prevent invalid timestamps in the logs. See Pre-installation Guide.

NOTE: If your OS is not supported, consider gem installation instead.

Red Hat

Download and execute the install script with curl:

fluent-package 5 (LTS)

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-redhat-fluent-package5-lts.sh | sh

fluent-package 5

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-redhat-fluent-package5.sh | sh

Executing this script will automatically install fluent-package on your machine. This shell script registers a new rpm repository at /etc/yum.repos.d/fluent-package.repo (or /etc/yum.repos.d/fluent-package-lts.repo) and installs fluent-package.

We use $releasever for repository path in the script and $releasever should be the major version only like "9". If your environment uses some other format like "9.2", change it to the major version only or set up .repo file manually.

Since v5.0.4, RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 is not supported anymore because CentOS 7 has reached EOL (June, 2024). Please consider migrating to another release.

Amazon Linux

For Amazon Linux 2023:

fluent-package 5 (LTS)

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-amazon2023-fluent-package5-lts.sh | sh

fluent-package 5

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-amazon2023-fluent-package5.sh | sh

For Amazon Linux 2:

fluent-package 5 (LTS)

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-amazon2-fluent-package5-lts.sh | sh

fluent-package 5

curl -fsSL https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-amazon2-fluent-package5.sh | sh

Step 2: Launch Daemon

Use /usr/lib/systemd/system/fluentd service to start, stop, or restart the agent:

$ sudo systemctl start fluentd.service
$ sudo systemctl status fluentd.service
* fluentd.service - fluentd: All in one package of Fluentd
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fluentd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-02 05:35:16 UTC; 41s ago
     Docs: https://docs.fluentd.org/
  Process: 1901 ExecStart=/opt/fluent/bin/fluentd --log $FLUENT_PACKAGE_LOG_FILE --daemon /var/run/fluent/fluentd.pid $FLUENT_PACKAGE_OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1907 (fluentd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/fluentd.service
           |-1907 /opt/fluent/bin/ruby /opt/fluent/bin/fluentd --log /var/log/fluent/fluentd.log --daemon /var/run/fluent/fluentd.pid
           `-1910 /opt/fluent/bin/ruby -Eascii-8bit:ascii-8bit /opt/fluent/bin/fluentd --log /var/log/fluent/fluentd.log --daemon /var/ru...

To customize systemd behavior, put your fluentd.service in /etc/systemd/system.

NOTE: In fluent-package v5, the path is different i.e. /opt/fluent/bin instead of /opt/td-agent/bin.

Step 3: Post Sample Logs via HTTP

The default configuration (/etc/fluent/fluentd.conf) is to receive logs at an HTTP endpoint and route them to stdout. For fluentd logs, see /var/log/fluent/fluentd.log.

You can post sample log records with curl command:

$ curl -X POST -d 'json={"json":"message"}' http://localhost:8888/debug.test
$ tail -n 1 /var/log/fluent/fluentd.log
2023-08-02 05:37:29.185634777 +0000 debug.test: {"json":"message"}

Next Steps

You are now ready to collect real logs with Fluentd. Refer to the following tutorials on how to collect data from various sources:

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.

Last updated